Friday, July 1, 2011

Light Towers, Light Boxes, In-Store Banner and Advertisement

Light towers, light boxes and in-store branding banner. Help out with my colleague from the Home Appliance department and our projector dealer in Sim Lim Square.

Got a good discount from my reservist friend, Simon. Good workmanship too.

Transportation is a big challenge especially we intend to reuse the light towers for future events.

Our light tower placed next to COURTS' cashier sign for comparison.

COURTS Megatex - a warehouse sales type of consumer fair at Singapore EXPO.

Sending our Microwave oven to a studio for a simple high-res photo shoot.

At the photo studio.

After the site survey and discussion with COURTS' constructor, we decided on a lighter colour theme with matt finishing to compliment the fluorescent lighting around the area. My friend Carroll did a pretty job for us by designing the banner family friendly.

A good decision to go lighter theme. Our 'S' brand competitor couldn't get their artwork ready. Our 'L' brand competitor used glossy that bounce off the light - making it difficult to read. Finally, our 'P' brand sister company used a dark colour theme with smaller fonts that we couldn't even see the brand name. You cannot just sit in the office and imagine how things will work out. You need to walk the ground and talk to people.

Sponsoring our projector dealer by paying for the light box beside their shop's signage.

In-store display shelf for our products.

Given a smaller budget, I managed to get the most out of it with smaller but regular advertisements on the newspaper. Since we can't do branding with a small ad space, we offer competitive market pricing to attract attention, icons, simple wording and, good placing positions to increase eyeball rate. 

Getting page 2 and page 3 position sure help improve eyeball rate from the number of customer call-ins.

Recommended a regional magazine (based in Singapore) to Japan HQ for a regional advertisement on professional projector. Helped the regional product marketing department to get a good product write-up from the magazine editor. This is an industrial leading professional magazine for Audio-Visual technology and it covers Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, Hong Kong and Australia.

Done a series of branding ads for CCTV department. Full-page BW and 6col x 10cm.

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Haha. While taking product pictures for safety approval by Spring Singapore, my Colleague, Desmond told this picture of another colleague from the accounts department. I added sweat stains and text to make it more fun.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Sanyo PLC-WL2503 Interactive Short Throw Projector

Sanyo may not be the first manufacturer to produce an interactive projector, it is still a relatively new technology. To make it easier for our dealers to promote our projector and, for customer to better understand the features, I've made this amateurish video to demo the projector.

After some feedback from dealers and customers, I've made another demo video focusing only on the key functions and unique features. Video done using a mix of GarageBand, Photoshop, Keynote, iMovie and HandBrake.

After meeting a number of customers, I realized that the most important feature that people want is to use it as a flip chart. So I made another short video to highlight how you can create an digital flip chart using Sanyo interactive projector, Microsoft PowerPoint and Microsoft Ink. At the same time I've also created a YouTube channel page to make it easy for people to access all the demo videos.

Editorial feature on HWM magazine for May 2011 ECO-Green Office Guide issue and Systems Integration Asia (a regional professional magazine).

HWM Magazine

Systems Integration Asia Magazine

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Youth Olympic 2010 - NTU Hall of Fame & Suntec Public Gallery

Setting the displays at the Nanyang Technological University and Suntec City Convention Centre for the Youth Olympic 2010 galleries.

Video display using 4 projected image blended together.

Sanyo Asia-Pacific Product Conference 2010

This was a tough 2-day for all Sanyo staffs in the Asia-Pacific sales offices. Especially tough for me because I have to help in the press conference, coordinate the translation service and setup the projectors at the main ballroom. 

My colleague Alvin Lee. Just the two of us to setup the projectors and support the main ballroom.

The back stage was the most dangerous (unsafe) place to be during setup.

Miss Philippines 2002, Karen Loren Agustin.

The press conference. A camera man from Channel News Asia.

Tough questions from the Australian media professionals. 

Mr Mitsuru Homma, Executive Vice President and Chief Director of Overseas Sales.

Mr. Yoshinori Nakatani, Chief Regional Officer and Director of Sanyo Asia.

Mr Stephen Wong, Managing Director of Sanyo Singapore (in business suit)